The Deathly Hallows Didn’t Disappoint
I went to the midnight showings for every Harry Potter movie, and made no exception for the seventh, which I saw last night. My roommate and I walked to the movie theater in Chinatown at about 8p.m. We waited in line for about an hour to an hour and a half, and then were allowed inside cinema eight. The chairs were comfortable and the pre-show “entertainment” was amusing. One person tried to get a chorus of Potter Puppet Pals’, “The Mysterious Ticking Noise,” going. [If you are a Harry Potter fan and don’t know what this is, check it out, it’s amazing.] The person’s plan didn’t work great, but was fun for a few minutes. People shouted spells at random, which is a staple at all the midnight viewings I went to in previous years. The crowd was about 90% college or high school aged students, which is what I expected.
There were only two things that shocked me. First there weren’t a lot of people dressed up in robes and the like. Theaters I went to for the other movies usually had a good number of people in robes, with wands, or dressed as creatures from the books/movies, but we did have two house elves last night.
Second, the movie was amazing! Keep in mind; I went in with really low expectations. The movies usually annoy me. The first and second were good, but after that they went downhill with the sixth being the worst. Yes I kept going and kept thinking, “they can’t mess this one up any worse than the last.” Last night was the first time I was correct in thinking it. For the most part they stuck to the book’s storyline. The movie was well shot, and despite it being a dark story, they kept the humor in as well. I would go into more detail, but would rather not have the Cruciatus Curse or other horrible spells headed my direction for giving anything away. So, I will leave it at this, if you like the Harry Potter books and/or movies, then The Deathly Hallows will not disappoint you.
-- Briana Giosta
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