Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What is love? Baby Don't Hurt Me...Don't Hurt Me. No More.

Marriage is...what's that word? Oh, scary. Marriage is scary. I've seen my sister get married and she's miserable. I've also seen my brother get married and betrayed. I've seen people breaking up and hurting each other. Relationships now has very low standards and it's so sad to sit and watch. In fact, the word "forever" has no meaning in relationships anymore. Do love even last anymore?

Relationships these days are hard as it is and it can be emotionally exhausting to go through, let alone marriage. As far as I know, happy marriages are kind of impossible nowadays. What's the difference between being in a committed relationship and being married? They are all the same thing to me. The only small difference between the two is that you need to sign papers to be considered legally married. To be honest, I have never fully grasp the concept of marriage and I don't think I ever will.

To me personally, a relationship is not as stressful as a marriage/divorce, but it hurts just as bad when it ends. I assume we have all be there and it sucks. There is nothing like having your lover leave you for whatever reason. I know people that have been hurt over and over and that eventually changed the meaning of love for them. It negatively changed their confidence level, their work ethnic, their behavior, their appearance and even the way they communicate with people. It's amazing to me how being in love means risking everything you have. Sometimes, people are even risking their lives. It amazes me how strongly we react to love & pain.

- M.Nguyen

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