Tuesday, November 16, 2010

School Spirit

This past saturday was unlike any I have ever had. I woke up at 8, geared up in layers consisting of a university sweatshirt (not GW) and headed into a mosh-pit of barbeque, blasting music, and school spirit screaming. Yes...I attended my first tailgate.

My boyfriend is an avid sports fan, much like my dad so this overwhelming knowledge and enthusiasm for sports is the norm for me, went to Syracuse University where he is obviously a fan. He is also from New Jersey; so when the opportunity arose to go to a Rutgers vs. Syracuse game this weekend (that I was conveniently, lucky me, coming home during) he begged to go.

Now, call me stuck in a rut if you would like, but I came to GW for a reason. Although I understand the fascination and love for sports, I do not hold it. Waking up at 8 am to hang out with friends the whole afternoon does sound like a lot of fun, don't get me wrong, but the thought of standing out in the cold rooting for a team just seems unbearable to me.

Well I sucked it up and gave in. We left at 8 am and I layered up in borrowed Syracuse apparel. At first I was kinda nervous, I have heard some crazy stories about different tailgates and I didn't necessarily think it would really be my type of thing. The second we got to the Rutgers campus we were meet with swarms of cars and people...let it begin.

As we walked to meet up with his friends at a specific parking lot (one of seven on the campus...wow) I was booed for wearing the rivals colors. I was automatically shocked by this behavior, since GW doesn't have any type of school spirit, I have never seen so much dedication to a school...and rudeness.

The tailgate ended up being surprisingly fun! Besides from the haters, who made themselves very clear, it became one big happy family. Everyone was sharing chips, dips and frisbee partners. It was a great example of a school coming together and creating a community. All different sororities, fraternities, social groups, and age groups were all brought together and were sharing in their love for Rutgers. I think GW could definitely take a page from these big state schools. Not that I want to do that every weekend, but i think it can 100% bring the GW student body much closer together.

This weekend I learned never to write something off before trying it. Yes, during the actual game I became bored (mainly because I don't understand football) and freezing cold, but the cheering and support of strangers around to keep up my spirits made the game a blast!

-Elyssa Nemetsky

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